Seeds and bottoms are a source of precious antioxidants and active principles draining and slimming. Discover all the benefits (not only) for the skin.

Could cosmetics researchers soon turn into“caffeomanti” to read (and rewrite) the future of anti-aging and anti-cellulite creams? Possible, judging by the discovery of a team of the University of Navarre of Pamplona (Spain) and the technische universität of Berlin (Germany): not only the seed of coffee, but also the funds are a source of valuable antioxidants and draining and slimming active substances.
The study, published in the Journal of agricultural and Food chemistry, reveals interesting background: in the coffee grounds are found amounts of caffeilquinic acids (substances that block collagenase, enzyme that destroys collagen) 4 to 7 times greater than in the drink. Moral: coffee never ceases to amaze, even from the cosmetic point of view.
Caffeine is chemically an alkaloid present not only in the seeds and leaves of the plant, where, however, it reaches the maximum concentrations, but also in those of tea, cola, guarana and mate. Besides, this molecule energy has no contraindications, because the absorption through the skin does not reach peaks such as to induce exciting effects on the organism», explains cosmetologist Umberto Borellini (remember that in the INCI you find this ingredient under the name of caffeine).
Caffeine is a known lipolytic and draining agent. ‘Its ability to stimulate lipase, the enzymes that dissolve fat in cells, is scientifically proven. But caffeine also tones the blood vessels, promotes tissue oxygenation, stimulates the drainage and removal of stagnant liquids: for this reason it is particularly effective on the skin matelassée typical of cellulite», notes Borellini. Another characteristic of this active substance is its excellent ability to penetrate, such as to reach the adipocytes (fat cells), even if not infrequently the cosmetic laboratories incorporate it in bio-spheres microspheresor in other vehicles, such as liposomes, to increase their absorption capacity.
5 beneficial effects of coffee on the body
- Improves energy levels and stimulates certain brain functions
Thanks to caffeine, the most well-known psychoactive substance in the world, coffee can help you feel less tired and increase energy levels.
Being able to block the action of a neurotransmitter by the inhibitory action called adenosine, caffeine promotes the action of other neurotransmitters (noradrenaline and dopamine) by the energizing effect. Many scientific studies then, show how coffee is able to stimulate some brain functions including memory, mood, attention, reaction times and general cognitive functions. - Helps to increase metabolism and burn fat Did you know that caffeine is found in almost every diet and fat-burning product? As shown by several studies, in fact, caffeine is able to increase the metabolic rate by 3-11%, effects that could result however less in those who drink coffee for a long time. Being able to stimulate the nervous system, then, caffeine can also induce the sending of signals to fat cells to burn fat reserves.
- Contains countless nutrients
The coffee is much more than water dyed black.Just think that a single cup of coffee contains:
– vitamin B2, essential in metabolic processes and to maintain healthy nervous tissue, skin and eyes;
– vitamin B3, essential for the functioning of the nervous system;
– vitamin B5 and manganese, key elements in the transformation of food into energy;
– potassium and magnesium are important minerals for certain functions of the body, such as energy production, transmission of nerve impulses and efficiency of the cardiovascular system. - Lowers the risk of type II diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes in the world (currently affecting about 300 million people) and is characterised by high blood sugar levels. The cause of this chronic disease is an alteration in the amount or function of insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas that regulates the entry of glucose into the cells.
As scientific literature has shown, coffee drinkers run a significantly lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Specifically, according to a massive overhaul that examined data from 18 researches, each cup of coffee would be associated with a 7% reduction in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. - Helps prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease are the two most common neurodegenerative diseases in the world. In both cases, there is no cure, so prevention through lifestyle care is certainly one of the most effective and important tools.
According to various studies, coffee can also be a valuable tool for prevention, as it would help to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by up to 65%, and between 32% and 60% the risk of Parkinson’s disease.